Simplify Your Family Life
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Online Course for Overwhelmed Moms
Simplify Your Life Easily & Effectively is based on the premise that mothers often put themselves and their needs last, therefore creating self-esteem issues, burnout, guilt, and exhaustion. You will receive a weekly introduction by C. Lynn Williams to start the week, and weekly live sessions, where you have a chance to interact with the instructor and ask questions.
Finish the Program with These New Skills:
- Feel more at peace by utilizing a spiritual support system that they establish during the 30-day course.
- Experience positive emotions as they pay attention to course material.
- Demonstrate knowledge of routine techniques that help re-energize themselves.
- Self-report an intent to change behaviors by applying self-articulated responses to reduce and eliminate mom guilt.
- Manage their daily schedule to include one fun (rest and/or relaxation) activity that is non-negotiable.
- Exhibit proficiency with healthy life habits that they have practiced individually or with an accountability partner for 30 consecutive days.
Schedule time to talk with C Lynn Williams Coaching to see if this program is a good fit for you.
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