The Pampered Prince Movie Project

Author and filmmaker, C. Lynn Williams is taking the topics from her book, The Pampered Prince: Moms Create a GREAT Relationship with Your Son and weaving them into an entertaining, realistic cinematic experience. Funding the project will make this goal possible.
Mission Statement
Mother-son relationships are complex, and there are issues that mothers often face with their sons as they grow from boys into men. They often love their boys to the point that they don’t have the discipline and expectations that allow them to grow to their potential.

The Pampered Prince Movie Project
I wasn’t aware of the adage that “women love their sons and raise their daughters”, until I became a divorced woman raising a daughter and a son. While I understood how to parent my daughter, raising my son was more difficult, because he didn’t respond to me or communicate. He became distant, challenged by authority, and was hard to discipline.
My daughter pointed out that I didn’t have the same requirements, discipline or boundaries for her brother, as I had for her. As I started looking into whether there was truth to what my daughter said, I began teaching high school boys and discovered that depending on the family dynamics, sons were raised in several distinct and different ways. This compelled me to write the book, The Pampered Prince: Moms Create a GREAT Relationship with Your Son, in an effort to identify the different effects of parenting sons I have seen.
By exploring the mother-son relationship in four contemporary stories through discovery, love, and death, I hope to start a discussion in households throughout the United States about the “pampering of sons” and the difficulty they (boys) have matriculating successfully into manhood.
Turning the Pampered Prince book into a movie will give me this opportunity. The funds raised from your donations will allow me to:
- hire a film crew: producer, director, editor, videographer
- hire acting talent
- create a movie short that can be promoted at film festivals and to movie production companies
Thanks in advance for your support!
C Lynn Williams